I have to write about today. God has really been showing me the provision He provides a lot more in the New Year. I know He provides, however He is providing in EVERY step and every tiny detail In fact I picked out my new memory verse for Feb 1st as " The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." Psalm 37:23 Ahhhh! Boy does he EVER!!
I am doing Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team. If you have not heard of it check it out at http://blog.lproof.org/
So today I was going grocery shopping (with out HG and Hubby!) it really is relaxing when you can just take your time and not have to tell them, No all the time. LOL! So I head over to ALDI's my new favorite place to get groceries. If the Amish and the older people shop there, you know it has to be good! Well it has awesome prices. ANYWAY! You have to pay a quarter for a cart to get one. I go to get a quarter out of my purse and I have NONE! All I have are pennies. YEP! 23 of them! REALLY?!?!
So I go searching the car and praying for 2 more pennies. It was 0 degrees out and I was looking all in the car. I found one lone penny! Ok, so I have 24. What am I going to do? Go in and get a pack of gum get a dollar back and ask for quarters? Take in my 24 and tell the cashier I will pay her the penny when I get done shopping. UGH! I am walking in praying Lord, please let me find a penny on the ground on the way in. Lord, I see that every penny counts and I promise to NEVER forget that!
I am standing in line to get my quarter for my cart at the only cash register open. They open another lane and I look over and see my friend Nada. Nada!!! I swear I cried out! Walked over and we started to chat.I told her about my quarter ordeal. She laughed and said, let me pay and you can have this one. I told her here are 24 pennies I will pay you the other penny at Awana's Wednesday! She said NO! It was her 1st time visiting and did not know that you had to pay for a cart and a nice old lady asked her did she want her cart and she said Thanks so much and walked off! The lady looked at her very rudely! She did not realize till she was in the store that you had to pay for the cart. So I get her cart and get my groceries. When I got done I gave my cart to a young couple heading in and told them don't worry about the quarter, to pay it forward!
Now tonight we were on our way home via the gas station from dinner and Hannah-Grace asked us how does she get Jesus in her heart. So John and I explain to her and pray the prayer of Salvation with her. When we got to the end we said Amen. She said, no we have to say ALord or AJesus! I asked her why, she said because we pray to God or Jesus not men. AMEN! Baby ALORD!!!