We have to educate people about this! I have been educated. I also feel like I just to a hard core econ class and man, it makes a lot of sense. Remember what is going on here in the US is not ALL the president's fault. See he can only put bills in from of our lawmakers and they deciede weather to pass it or not. Remember the Checks and Balance. Well I think it needs to be revised.
So yes we have had a Republican president for 8 years, HOWEVER our Lawmakers (checks and balance system) has been majority democrates. So YES, the election for President is VERY important, however our Congressmen/women and Senators is even MORE important, cause they are the ones doing the checks and balance. Oh and by the way, when we had a Democrate for president (removed) Bill Clinton, we had a REPUBLICAN checks and balance... HUMMMMMMMMMM..... You do the math! Just make sure your friends and families are educated before November 4th!