We are family!!!

We are family!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 down and 35 to go!

It has been five days since I last logged on to facebook. I have to say that it has been nice however I do miss you all! I wonder what is going on in your lives. However I know that I am being called to examine mine even more. In these 5 days of reflection have been very open and well they have hurt.
I have seem that I am being a brat in my areas in my life. I am acting like a 4 yr old having a pout party in the corner about this upcoming deployment. I was sitting there saying "I don't want to do this again!",  "Why us AGAIN God?", "We have through to much this year to have to be apart another year!", "The people that John work with are crazy and are all about numbers and not the well being of the soldiers.",
Well God, showed me though a dear friend that most Godly men in the Bible well they served under very ungodly men themselves. However the roads under their feet were protected. They were able to go on and do MIGHTY things with God! Then she gently reminded me, Meredith remember in your testimony how you spoke of not always walking with the Lord. Do you think that the Lord was away from you when you were not walking with him? No, you did the walking He was right there all along. So even if they are not Christians the Lord is there with them weather they choose to walk with Him or not.
Now back to my bratty attitude. He is working on me, what can I say, I am hard headed. I am also strong willed. He made me this way and needs me this way for a reason. I know that He will share His heart with me. He has seen us through a year deployment in 2009 and will see us through it again in 2011. So please pray for me and my bratty attitude about this upcoming deployment. No, it is not fair and yes, we did sign the line and know that this is the Lord's will for us in our lives, I am just not sure why I can not get out of this "slump". So prayers please! Miss you guys! Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL 2011!