I have to write about today. God has really been showing me the provision He provides a lot more in the New Year. I know He provides, however He is providing in EVERY step and every tiny detail In fact I picked out my new memory verse for Feb 1st as " The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." Psalm 37:23 Ahhhh! Boy does he EVER!!
I am doing Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team. If you have not heard of it check it out at http://blog.lproof.org/
So today I was going grocery shopping (with out HG and Hubby!) it really is relaxing when you can just take your time and not have to tell them, No all the time. LOL! So I head over to ALDI's my new favorite place to get groceries. If the Amish and the older people shop there, you know it has to be good! Well it has awesome prices. ANYWAY! You have to pay a quarter for a cart to get one. I go to get a quarter out of my purse and I have NONE! All I have are pennies. YEP! 23 of them! REALLY?!?!
So I go searching the car and praying for 2 more pennies. It was 0 degrees out and I was looking all in the car. I found one lone penny! Ok, so I have 24. What am I going to do? Go in and get a pack of gum get a dollar back and ask for quarters? Take in my 24 and tell the cashier I will pay her the penny when I get done shopping. UGH! I am walking in praying Lord, please let me find a penny on the ground on the way in. Lord, I see that every penny counts and I promise to NEVER forget that!
I am standing in line to get my quarter for my cart at the only cash register open. They open another lane and I look over and see my friend Nada. Nada!!! I swear I cried out! Walked over and we started to chat.I told her about my quarter ordeal. She laughed and said, let me pay and you can have this one. I told her here are 24 pennies I will pay you the other penny at Awana's Wednesday! She said NO! It was her 1st time visiting and did not know that you had to pay for a cart and a nice old lady asked her did she want her cart and she said Thanks so much and walked off! The lady looked at her very rudely! She did not realize till she was in the store that you had to pay for the cart. So I get her cart and get my groceries. When I got done I gave my cart to a young couple heading in and told them don't worry about the quarter, to pay it forward!
Now tonight we were on our way home via the gas station from dinner and Hannah-Grace asked us how does she get Jesus in her heart. So John and I explain to her and pray the prayer of Salvation with her. When we got to the end we said Amen. She said, no we have to say ALord or AJesus! I asked her why, she said because we pray to God or Jesus not men. AMEN! Baby ALORD!!!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29: 11-13
We are family!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
January 15th means, 15 days down and only 25 more to go!
So the 15 days down, really 15 days? It does seem to be flying. I wonder why? I miss everyone one on Facebook and seeing what is going on in your lives. So you would think that it would drag by. I wish, days are slipping though my fingers like grains of sand. I want to stop time from flying by. In a little over a month, John will have been back in the states 365. I would love to say home, but he has training to go to. In 15 days he leaves again for another 15 days of training.UGH! Then in about 2 months we will once again have to say "See you soon", for another year away from his girls.
It does not seem fair, but life is not fair. When we told the Lord we will go anywhere and do anything for Him, we had no clue what our lot was. If we had known our lot would we chosen it? I can say no. That is why we leave it to the BIG MAN cause He has all the plans and He will see us thought it all! I was worried about John leaving now I am at peace. At least I know what to expect. God did not leave me or forsake me a year ago. He was right here with John and me the whole time. He made John's paths straight in the dessert, He walked them ahead of John and up held his righteous son! He will be just as faithful and true in Afghanistan.
So what have I been doing since I have been off Facebook? Well I have been reading a lot. I finished The Shack. I stated it in August and well got all but the last 3 chapters read and then put it down. I am very proud of myself, cause I am NOT a reader. I am not trying to make myself a reader, however I find it relaxing. I have been caught up on my Bible Studies and not scrambling to find time to complete them. I have only 3 chapters left to read in my one Bible Study book and going to start our new Bible Study book this week. I am stoked about this class. We are doing the 5000 Year Leap. We are going to be going over the 28 founding principles of our Founding Fathers. It should be a great study for this history lover!
PWOC has been rocking a long. We are doing our Spring Kick off in a few weeks and I hope to be teaching a class next semester. We will see, what the Lord has in his plans. I have gotten to catch up on reading some magazines and blogs. I read this one article in my P31 Woman's Magazine. It is by Shauna Naniequist. I decided to start my own. It is easier to make a don't list than a do list. LOL! Now does this mean I will NEVER do this? No, just means right now in my life I am not concerned with it.
I don't garden, well I can't I live in Narnia and not sure how to do it here. I am really not about trying to beat the snow and all. I don't clean my house everyday. Even right now there are dirty dishes in my sink (GASP!) Well I might get them done before bed, if I can find the time. A dear friend told me, You can clean your house when the kids are gone, they are not going to be there forever. Does this mean a live in a sty? Well who is to judge me? LOL! I don't make things from scratch. LOL! Yes, I like to make somethings from scratch, however every day and every meal is not made from scratch. I am not into all the organic stuff. To expensive for my budget. LOL! I believe that my family is a family not matter if our food come from the heart or a box. Cause I use heart to make it from a box too! I don't get everything done on my To Do List, if I don't get it done today, well tomorrow is not promised, however if I am here I will do my best to get it done! =) These are just somethings I have come up with so far.
I have also been able to see God's provision for our family so much more. I know that I have been looking for it, however it seems to be very abundant and amazing! God is your provider daily if you will look you will see Him in every little thing!
Hope your having an AMAZING 15 days of 2011 yourself!
Love and Blessings,
It does not seem fair, but life is not fair. When we told the Lord we will go anywhere and do anything for Him, we had no clue what our lot was. If we had known our lot would we chosen it? I can say no. That is why we leave it to the BIG MAN cause He has all the plans and He will see us thought it all! I was worried about John leaving now I am at peace. At least I know what to expect. God did not leave me or forsake me a year ago. He was right here with John and me the whole time. He made John's paths straight in the dessert, He walked them ahead of John and up held his righteous son! He will be just as faithful and true in Afghanistan.
So what have I been doing since I have been off Facebook? Well I have been reading a lot. I finished The Shack. I stated it in August and well got all but the last 3 chapters read and then put it down. I am very proud of myself, cause I am NOT a reader. I am not trying to make myself a reader, however I find it relaxing. I have been caught up on my Bible Studies and not scrambling to find time to complete them. I have only 3 chapters left to read in my one Bible Study book and going to start our new Bible Study book this week. I am stoked about this class. We are doing the 5000 Year Leap. We are going to be going over the 28 founding principles of our Founding Fathers. It should be a great study for this history lover!
PWOC has been rocking a long. We are doing our Spring Kick off in a few weeks and I hope to be teaching a class next semester. We will see, what the Lord has in his plans. I have gotten to catch up on reading some magazines and blogs. I read this one article in my P31 Woman's Magazine. It is by Shauna Naniequist. I decided to start my own. It is easier to make a don't list than a do list. LOL! Now does this mean I will NEVER do this? No, just means right now in my life I am not concerned with it.
I don't garden, well I can't I live in Narnia and not sure how to do it here. I am really not about trying to beat the snow and all. I don't clean my house everyday. Even right now there are dirty dishes in my sink (GASP!) Well I might get them done before bed, if I can find the time. A dear friend told me, You can clean your house when the kids are gone, they are not going to be there forever. Does this mean a live in a sty? Well who is to judge me? LOL! I don't make things from scratch. LOL! Yes, I like to make somethings from scratch, however every day and every meal is not made from scratch. I am not into all the organic stuff. To expensive for my budget. LOL! I believe that my family is a family not matter if our food come from the heart or a box. Cause I use heart to make it from a box too! I don't get everything done on my To Do List, if I don't get it done today, well tomorrow is not promised, however if I am here I will do my best to get it done! =) These are just somethings I have come up with so far.
I have also been able to see God's provision for our family so much more. I know that I have been looking for it, however it seems to be very abundant and amazing! God is your provider daily if you will look you will see Him in every little thing!
Hope your having an AMAZING 15 days of 2011 yourself!
Love and Blessings,
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
5 down and 35 to go!
It has been five days since I last logged on to facebook. I have to say that it has been nice however I do miss you all! I wonder what is going on in your lives. However I know that I am being called to examine mine even more. In these 5 days of reflection have been very open and well they have hurt.
I have seem that I am being a brat in my areas in my life. I am acting like a 4 yr old having a pout party in the corner about this upcoming deployment. I was sitting there saying "I don't want to do this again!", "Why us AGAIN God?", "We have through to much this year to have to be apart another year!", "The people that John work with are crazy and are all about numbers and not the well being of the soldiers.",
Well God, showed me though a dear friend that most Godly men in the Bible well they served under very ungodly men themselves. However the roads under their feet were protected. They were able to go on and do MIGHTY things with God! Then she gently reminded me, Meredith remember in your testimony how you spoke of not always walking with the Lord. Do you think that the Lord was away from you when you were not walking with him? No, you did the walking He was right there all along. So even if they are not Christians the Lord is there with them weather they choose to walk with Him or not.
Now back to my bratty attitude. He is working on me, what can I say, I am hard headed. I am also strong willed. He made me this way and needs me this way for a reason. I know that He will share His heart with me. He has seen us through a year deployment in 2009 and will see us through it again in 2011. So please pray for me and my bratty attitude about this upcoming deployment. No, it is not fair and yes, we did sign the line and know that this is the Lord's will for us in our lives, I am just not sure why I can not get out of this "slump". So prayers please! Miss you guys! Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL 2011!
I have seem that I am being a brat in my areas in my life. I am acting like a 4 yr old having a pout party in the corner about this upcoming deployment. I was sitting there saying "I don't want to do this again!", "Why us AGAIN God?", "We have through to much this year to have to be apart another year!", "The people that John work with are crazy and are all about numbers and not the well being of the soldiers.",
Well God, showed me though a dear friend that most Godly men in the Bible well they served under very ungodly men themselves. However the roads under their feet were protected. They were able to go on and do MIGHTY things with God! Then she gently reminded me, Meredith remember in your testimony how you spoke of not always walking with the Lord. Do you think that the Lord was away from you when you were not walking with him? No, you did the walking He was right there all along. So even if they are not Christians the Lord is there with them weather they choose to walk with Him or not.
Now back to my bratty attitude. He is working on me, what can I say, I am hard headed. I am also strong willed. He made me this way and needs me this way for a reason. I know that He will share His heart with me. He has seen us through a year deployment in 2009 and will see us through it again in 2011. So please pray for me and my bratty attitude about this upcoming deployment. No, it is not fair and yes, we did sign the line and know that this is the Lord's will for us in our lives, I am just not sure why I can not get out of this "slump". So prayers please! Miss you guys! Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL 2011!
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